Lycée Edouard Herriot Lyon
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Le lycée Édouard Herriot est un lycée général et technologique avec des CPGE (Hypokhâgnes et Khâgnes) situé en centre ville (place Edgar Quinet, Lyon 6e).

Reviews by the class of 1ère STMG2 – Mrs Gras
The State against Mandela and the others

A film by Nicolas Champeaux and Gilles Porte

Article mis en ligne le 4 février 2019

par Admin DF

“Very beautiful movie. Thanks to it, we can’t forget history.” Jalane
“It was impressive to see how people gathered around Mandela and very moving to see the lawyers and the accused laughing at the end and enjoying their freedom. Yet, the animated part was not adapted for a long film.” Benjamin
“This film is not just a movie and a fiction but inside, there are testimonies and images of a real historical reality” Naïs
“I like the film because it shows the principal moments of the life of Mandela : when police officers arrested him, the trial and his release” Eran
“The movie was moving especially when the wife of Nelson Mandela goes out of the court, after the sentence, and keeps strong” Saël
“I like the movie because it talks about the fight for rights and it shows that strength lies in number” Kalil
“ I like the movie because it is important to learn things for our general knowledge. The animated parts were cool, especially the prosecutor who was drawn like an evil character” Lelio
“ I really like the film because it was moving to see the interviews of the family of the accused. We see that the trial really affected their whole life. The film also delivers a beautiful message of liberty. It shows that even if we have won a battle, we haven’t won the war” Pauline
“It was interesting to see how a trial unfolds and it was moving to see all these persons listening to their own trial” Clarisse
“It is a good film because it is real history” Amaury
“ I like the film because it was moving at some moments and sad when the prosecutor told the sentence. I like how the film was shot with animated images” Mattéo

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