Lycée Edouard Herriot Lyon
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Le lycée Édouard Herriot est un lycée général et technologique avec des CPGE (Hypokhâgnes et Khâgnes) situé en centre ville (place Edgar Quinet, Lyon 6e).

Welcome to our mini minimal poem exhibition
Article mis en ligne le 7 juin 2021

par Admin DF

Welcome to our mini minimal poem exhibition

We, 12th grade students in LLCE, are glad to present our work to you. Since the 3rd quarantine, we have worked on the minimal art movement dating back from 1960s’ with our teacher Mrs Gras. We have studied different forms of art such as visual art, poems, short stories and music. We got inspired by Aram Saroyan’s controversial works of art such as the famous cricket poems (see below) and the one-word poem : lighght

If you work across the library, you’ll find our work. We hope you’ll enjoy this journey. Don’t try to interpret…just be part of this “new reading process- like electricity – instant and continuous” (Aram Saroyan)


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Habillage ESCAL 5.2.1