Lycée Edouard Herriot Lyon
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Le lycée Édouard Herriot est un lycée général et technologique avec des CPGE (Hypokhâgnes et Khâgnes) situé en centre ville (place Edgar Quinet, Lyon 6e).

Summer press review
Article mis en ligne le 18 juin 2024


Summer Press Review : 1ère/Term AMC

Pour les élèves suivant la spécialité AMC en 1ère et Terminale l’année prochaine, veuillez pendre connaissance du travail à faire pour le 1er cours de la rentrée en septembre.

During the holidays, regularly read articles and watch videos from the main US/British newspapers (twice a week) : The Telegraph, The Guardian, the New York Times, The Washington Post, Time Magazine, the Independent, BBC News, the Conversation, Sky news, the Economist…

For the first class in September, be ready to report about 5 major events

  • Pick 5 major and varied events that occurred over the summer (the environment, British and US politics, the place of women, the place of minorities, world economy, tech advances, space race, the consequences of Brexit, the olympic games, the European elections, gun control, the justice system, abortion, wars and international tensions, the nuclear threat, strikes…)
  • Find a picture (or short video – less than 2 min) that will illustrate them best
  • Present objectively each event with a few synthetic, clear and complete sentences (When ? Where ? Who ? What ? Impact / Consequences ?)
  • Identify the point of view/angle of view of the journalist
  • What questions does each event raise ?

Have fun !

Herriot English Team

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